DIY: Photo Snowglobes
Here it is. Our fifth sibling gift project for Christmas 2010. And I think it turned out charming. Oscar made photo snowglobes for each of his siblings (and one for himself too).
We had every thing we needed for this project right in our house, expect white PVC pipe. So we stopped at True Value and picked up a 1 foot length of pipe for .33 cents, then we were ready to go.
If you’re looking for an easy last-minute gift your kids can make, this is a great one. A fun project for big kids or little kids.
1) We split this project into two parts. One evening, we prepped our baby food jars — we scraped off labels and painted the lids. Then we let them dry overnight. (Although really, they would have been dry enough to work with in about an hour.)
2) The next morning, we finished the project. We made “snow” by grating the PVC pipe on our cheese grater.
3) Then we prepped the images. We printed out image strips that measured 1.5 inches high by 5.75 inches wide. We used a smiling and frowning photo for each child. We trimmed out each image strip so there were no white edges showing.
4) Then we waterproofed the images by laminating them with clear packing tape. We used a piece of tape on each side of the image strip and then trimmed them out leaving a little edge of tape all around.
5) After the photo strips were laminated, we used more packing tape to loop them into circles.
6) Next we placed them into the bottles. We forgot to put them upside down! So we had to take them out and do it again.
7) Then, we filled the jars about halfway with water, added a few drops of glycerin — about half a lid — and filled the rest of the bottle with more water. (Glycerin is there to help the snow drift more slowly. I heard clear corn syrup works as well.)
8) Once the bottles were filled, we screwed on the lids as tightly as we could and turned the jars upside down. Voilá: Photo Snowglobes! Shake them and admire them to your heart’s content.
![snowglobeDIY2 snowglobe photo DIY custom](
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