Friday, February 1, 2013

Super Bowl 47-Layer Dip

Super Bowl 47-Layer Dip

Forty-Seven Delicious Layer

Buzzfeed food editors show "GMA" anchors how to make game-day grub.
Servings:Over 8
Difficulty: Moderate
Cook Time: min
BuzzFeed Food has created this monstrosity: a 47-layer Super Bowl dip. If you are brave enough to make this at home, author Rachel Sanders recommends asking guests to bring some of the ingredients potluck-style.


  • A big clear bowl/vessel to hold everything
  • brown rice
  • white rice
  • 1 box yellow "Mexican" rice (Goya)
  • 1 large bag each:
  • Nacho Cheese Doritos
  • Cool Ranch Doritos
  • Fritos
  • 1 box cornbread mix (Jiffy)
  • 1 box mac n cheese (Kraft)
  • 1 package taco seasoning mix (Ortega)
  • one 12-oz. can each:
  • pinto beans
  • black beans
  • beef chili (Hormel)
  • refried beans
  • 12-oz. jar/bottle each of:
  • red salsa
  • green salsa
  • salsa con queso
  • ketchup
  • hot sauce (Cholula)
  • 1 small can or jar each:
  • pickled jalapeños
  • pickled okra (Rick's Picks Smokra)
  • dill pickles
  • black olives
  • 1 (approx. 12-oz.) container each:
  • sour cream
  • guacamole
  • pico de gallo
  • 1/2 pound each of:
  • ground turkey
  • ground beef
  • pulled pork (prepared from a store or restaurant)
  • chorizo sausage
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 mango
  • 1 head (or 1/2 head) red cabbage
  • 1 head iceberg lettuce
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 3 jalapeño peppers
  • 1 bunch scallions
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 yellow onions
  • 2 large tomatoes or 1 box cherry tomatoes
  • 1 lime
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 package bacon or bacon bits
  • 1 block or 1 cup pre-grated/crumbled:
  • pepper jack cheese
  • cheddar cheese
  • feta or cotija cheese
  • 1 bag frozen tater tots (Ore Ida)
  • 1 bag frozen corn
  • from McDonald's:
  • one 10-pc Chicken McNuggets
  • 1 large french fries
  • Cooking Directions

    2 Days Before
    Crush enough Fritos, Cool Ranch Doritos, and Nacho Cheese Doritos to get 1 cup of each. To crush, put one type of chips in a ziplock bag, press out as much air as you can, and smash with your hands or the bottom of a pot until they're mostly small crumbs.
    Cook about 8-10 slices bacon until crispy and crumble it into 1/2 cup bits. The best, easiest way to do it is to spread the bacon out on a wire cooling rack set in a sheet pan. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 15 minutes or until crispy. You could also just buy bacon bits.
    Cook each type of rice — brown, white, and yellow (from a Goya box) — according to directions. Set aside 1 cup of each. Saute 1 cup frozen corn in a nonstick pan until water evaporates and it starts to brown. Hard-boil 3 or 4 eggs. Stash everything in small tupperware containers or ziplock bags and refrigerate.
    1 Day Before
    Finely chop enough of these veggies 'n things to yield the amounts indicated:
    hard-boiled eggs (1 cup)
    red cabbage (1 cup)
    iceberg lettuce (1 cup)
    bell pepper (1 cup)
    fresh tomatoes (1 cup)
    mango (1 cup)
    dill pickles (1/2 cup)
    pickled okra (1/2 cup)
    black olives (1/2 cup)
    pickled jalapeños (1/4 cup)
    fresh jalapeños (1/4 cup)
    red onion (1/4 cup)
    scallions (1/4 cup)
    cucumber (1/4 cup)
    Grate 1 cup each cheddar cheese and pepper jack cheese. Crumble 1 cup feta or cotija cheese. Sauté 1/2 lb. ground beef with, optionally, 1/2 packet taco seasoning (according to instructions). Cook 1/2 lb. ground turkey with the remaining 1/2 packet of seasoning. Sauté 1/2 lb. chorizo (about 2-3 sausages) until it's browned and fully cooked, then chop finely. Round up 1/2 lb. pulled pork (I bought it at a Cuban restaurant, you could also try a BBQ joint make your own) and finely chop. Bake 1 box Jiffy cornbread according to instructions. Once it cools, crumble enough for 1 cup. Stash everything in small tupperware containers or ziplock bags and refrigerate.
    On Game Day
    Collect 12-oz. jars or measure out 1.5 cups of these saucier ingredients:
    pico de gallo
    red salsa
    green salsa
    salsa con queso
    sour cream
    ketchup (just 1 cup)
    Thoroughly drain black beans and pinto beans (one 12-oz. can each). Chop 1 avocado and drizzle with lime juice to keep it from browning. Finely chop chicken nuggets and french fries (best option: buy a 10-piece nuggets and large fries from McDonald's) to yield 1 cup each. Heat up refried beans and beef chili (one 12-oz. can each) in small saucepans. Cook 1 package boxed mac n cheese (suggestion: Kraft original) according to instructions and set aside 1 cup (you can eat the rest!). Bake 1/2 bag frozen tater tots according to instructions (you can do this last minute, while you're assembling the rest of the dip).
    Start with brown rice in the bottom of the bowl and work your way up in the order listed below. Sprinkle each ingredient over the last and then use a spatula to smooth out into even layers. Remember that you want to make sure each layer reaches the edge of the bowl so you can see it from the outside. Squeeze the juice from half a lime and sprinkle a pinch or two of salt over the red onion when you get there. At then very end, top with about 1 cup fresh cilantro leaves and drizzle with your favorite hot sauce.
    brown rice - THIS IS THE BOTTOM
    pinto beans
    pico de gallo
    ground turkey
    Nacho Cheese Doritos
    pepper jack cheese
    pickled jalapeños
    sour cream
    red cabbage
    chopped avocado
    crumbled cornbread
    chicken nuggets
    pickled okra
    hard-boiled egg
    bacon bits
    refried beans
    bell pepper
    fresh jalapeno slices
    kraft mac & cheese
    ground beef
    french fries
    dill pickle
    cheddar cheese
    caramelized onions
    chopped tomatoes
    white rice
    black beans
    pulled pork
    Cool Ranch Doritos
    green salsa
    feta/cotija cheese
    yellow rice (Goya)
    canned beef chili
    crushed Fritos
    black olives
    salsa con queso
    red onion
    red salsa
    tater tots
    scallions - THIS IS THE TOP
    Recipe courtesy BuzzFeed.

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