Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Recycled Bottles

What a cute idea from The Colorful Living Project!  An easy way to recycle old bottles into a nice vase for a table centerpiece, wedding or holiday decoration or, as in my case, for my daughter's bedroom so she can have her own vase with flowers.  You can use practically any bottle and any color spray paint too.

Spray Bottles DIY Project

This project is so simple.

1. Remove labels from bottles. ( You can soak them in hot water and dish soap for extra help)
2. Dry and clean
3. Pick your spray paint choices: Seen above is Satin Ivory.
4. Spray paint box carrier too!

You get the idea...

Some spray painting tips... Cover area with newspaper or drop cloth first. Wear a mask or be careful not to inhale fumes. Don't spray into the wind!!! Wait for your first layer to dry and stick the bottle on your finger to get a good coat around the bottom sides.


  1. So pretty! Great little hostess gift idea! I'm stopping by from the tt team at Etsy. Sandy

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm heading to check out your blog also!

  2. you might also want to include this person as the original content maker of this post too

  3. I apologize, I have updated this post as well and included the link. Thanks for catching this.
